Tag Archives: Celebrity Rehab

LeBron James Is A Product Of His Generation

10 Jul

I tried to stay out of it.  Really, I tried.

But, I can’t quite hold my tongue after listening to all of the reactions about LeBron’s decision to leave Cleveland for the Miami Heat.

I’ll start with his actual choice before getting into the way he communicated his decision.

I just don’t understand why some people get this emotionally involved in a specific team or player.  People were literally crying over this!

Don’t get me wrong.  When it comes to the New York Mets, I am a die hard fan.  There is a line for me, however.

I don’t let them or any of their players force me into tears.  It all boils down to the fact that my life will not change significantly based on things that happen with them.

I really don’t have a problem with his decision.  The man wants to accomplish the ultimate feat in his profession, which is winning a world championship.

People relocate all of the time for their careers.  We don’t give accountants a hard time for leaving to work for a better firm in Sacramento, California.

Far be it for me to judge LeBron for leaving because he believes it is the best way for him to win.

As far as James’ special on ESPN is concerned, I’m not that surprised that we reached this point in society.

The other day I was listening to a radio show in my car and they were interviewing Dr. Drew of Celebrity Rehab fame.  He made a great point when asked about what worries him most about young people today.

He answered that fame was once something that you had to have actual talent to achieve.  These days people have equipment on their home computers that used to be only available in production studios.

Combine this technology with the relative ease in which individuals can create personalized websites and anyone can have their own recording studio relatively inexpensively.

The addition of social networking pages such as Facebook and Twitter doesn’t help either.  Stop and think about Twitter.  The entire goal is to see how many “FOLLOWERS” you can have.

It doesn’t matter how much talent you possess.  It only matters how many people you can get to follow you.

How does this equate to LeBron you ask?

Simple.  His special on ESPN is the means in which someone who actually has talent has to use to get our attention these days.

I’m not saying I like the fact that LeBron had his own hour long special to announce where he would be working next year.

It just didn’t get me all riled up.  I chose not to watch it.